• Experiencia de educación patrimonial apoyada en realidad aumentada 

      Mendoza-Garrido, Raynel; Cabarcas-Álvarez, Amaury; Puello-Beltran, Juan José; Fabregat, Ramón; Baldiris, Silvia (Revista Facultad de Ingenieria, 2021)
      La educación patrimonial es un proceso que tradicionalmente se desarrolladentrodelauladeclase,endondeeldocentetrasmitealestudianteunosconocimientos,sin embargo últimamente se han implementado nuevas formas para desarrollarprocesos ...
    • Heritage education experience supported in augmented reality 

      Mendoza-Garrido, Raynel; Cabarcas-Álvarez, Amaury; Puello-Beltran, Juan José; Fabregat, Ramón; Baldiris, Silvia (Revista facultad de ingeniería-universidad de Antioquía, 2021)
      Heritage Education is a process that traditionally takes place within the classroom, where the teacher transmits some knowledge to the student; however, new ways have been implemented to develop Heritage Education processes ...
    • Heritage Education of Memory: Gamification to Raise Awareness of the Cultural Heritage of War 

      Rosser Limiñana, Pablo; Soler, Seila (Preprints.org, 2024)
      This study focuses on the use of gamification, specifically the UrbanGame activity, to enhance heritage education related to the Spanish Civil War bombings in Alicante. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of ...
    • Heritage Education of Memory: Gamification to Raise Awareness of the Cultural Heritage of War 

      Rosser, Pablo; Soler, Seila (Heritage, 2024)
      This study focused on the use of gamification, specifically the UrbanGame activity, to enhance heritage education related to the bombings of the Spanish Civil War in Alicante. The research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness ...
    • Implementation of the framework to heritage education supported in augmented reality 

      Mendoza, Raynel; Cabarcas, Amaury; Fabregat, Ramón; Baldiris, Silvia (Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, ICVRV 2019, 11/2019)
      Heritage education is a process that traditionally has been implemented in a similar way to how schools work, a teacher transmits certain knowledge to a student. Nevertheless, lately, there have been new experiences that ...